In the quest for the best training program for clients, personal trainers are continually seeking methods to enhance workout efficiency, engagement, and results. While straight set exercise programming has been a staple, emerging data and studies suggest a more diversified approach could significantly benefit client outcomes.

Engaging Clients with Varied Workouts

Variety in workout programming isn’t just about keeping boredom at bay; it’s a key driver of client motivation and retention. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine highlights that participants engaging in varied training routines exhibited higher motivation levels and better adherence over time compared to those following monotonous workout plans. This underscores the importance of integrating a mix of circuit training, supersets, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to maintain high levels of client engagement and motivation.

Boosting Functional Fitness and Real-World Performance

The best personal training sets go beyond muscle isolation, aiming for overall functional fitness improvements. According to research from the American Council on Exercise, programs that include functional training elements can significantly improve balance, agility, and strength, mimicking real-life activities and thus preparing clients for daily challenges. This approach not only enhances physical capabilities but also minimizes the risk of injuries, making it a crucial component of personal training client programming.

Accelerating Results Through Diversification

Diversifying training approaches can lead to more significant and faster achievements in fitness goals. A comprehensive review in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports found that varied exercise programming, incorporating both strength and cardiovascular training, was more effective in improving overall fitness and body composition than single-modality workouts. This evidence supports the notion that personal trainers should employ a wide range of training methodologies to optimize fitness outcomes for their clients.

Conclusion: The Path to Optimized Personal Training Client Programming

The evidence is clear: for personal trainers aiming to offer the best training program for clients, incorporating a variety of training techniques and strategies is paramount. By moving beyond traditional straight set programming to include dynamic and functional exercises, trainers can significantly enhance client engagement, functional fitness, and overall results. As the fitness landscape continues to evolve, so too should the methodologies we employ to ensure our clients achieve their highest potential.

Want to experience 2 days of hands-on learning with a heavy focus on programming? Attend our next Accelerator Weekend and level up your skills – FAST!

In this video, Axiom Instructor Joe Drake shares the best way to program client training sessions that are far more effective and efficient than just doing a bunch of straight sets.