As personal trainers, we often grapple with the challenge of selecting the right exercises for our clients’ diverse needs. Whether you’re a seasoned coach or new to the training world, having a go-to list of exercises can significantly streamline your programming process. Here are the top seven exercises that are versatile, effective, and suitable for clients at any fitness level, making them a must-have in your personal training toolkit.

Building a Solid Foundation: The Goblet Squat

The Ultimate Squat Variation

The Goblet Squat stands out as the premier squat variation for clients of all levels. Its front-loading nature not only challenges the legs but also engages the core, providing a comprehensive lower-body workout. Research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research highlights the goblet squat’s effectiveness in promoting good squatting form and enhancing core engagement, making it a superior choice for building foundational lower-body strength.

Enhancing Stability and Strength: The Staggered Stance Single Arm Cable Row

Core Stability Meets Upper Body Strength

The Staggered Stance Single Arm Cable Row merges core stabilization with upper body conditioning. This exercise introduces clients to dynamic stability, as they resist rotation induced by the unilateral load. According to a study in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science, exercises that engage the core in standing positions, like this row variation, significantly improve balance and functional strength.

Targeting the Posterior Chain: The Kettlebell or Dumbbell RDL

Perfecting the Hinge

The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) with a kettlebell or dumbbell is key for posterior chain development. Starting the movement from the top allows clients to maintain optimal posture, making it an excellent introductory exercise to hinge movements. The RDL’s focus on hip hinge mechanics is essential for lower back health and hamstring flexibility, as supported by findings in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy.

Core and Oblique Activation: The Lateral Plank

A Multifaceted Core Exercise

The Lateral Plank, particularly with the bottom knee bent, offers a scalable way to strengthen the obliques and glutes. This variation ensures high-quality positioning, promoting side-body strength and stability. Research underscores the importance of oblique strengthening for overall trunk stability and injury prevention, making the lateral plank a staple in comprehensive core training.

Developing Upper Body Push Strength: The Slight Incline Dumbbell Press

Shoulder-Friendly Pressing

The Slight Incline Dumbbell Press addresses the common discomfort associated with flat bench pressing by positioning the shoulders in a more natural angle. This adjustment can lead to improved muscle engagement and reduced strain, offering a safer alternative for building push strength, particularly for clients not yet ready for push-ups.

Foundational Single-Leg Training: The Static Split Squat

Mastering the Lunge Family

The Static Split Squat is the cornerstone of single-leg training, teaching balance, coordination, and strength in a split stance. This exercise lays the groundwork for more complex lunge variations, enhancing lower body power and stability. As per a publication in the Journal of Applied Biomechanics, mastering static single-leg exercises is crucial for advancing to dynamic movements and ensuring symmetrical lower body development.

Introducing Rotation: The Band or Cable Rotation

Integrating Transverse Plane Movements

Finally, the Band or Cable Rotation introduces clients to rotational movements, essential for functional strength and athletic performance. This exercise begins to incorporate the often-neglected transverse plane, crucial for daily activities and sports performance. The adaptability of bands and cables allows for tailored resistance levels, accommodating beginners to advanced athletes.


These seven exercises form a comprehensive full-body routine that addresses strength, stability, and mobility. For personal trainers seeking exercises for every training client, this list provides a balanced approach to fitness that can be customized to suit individual client goals. Whether you’re devising programs for new trainer client exercises or looking for the best personal training exercises, incorporating these movements will ensure your clients receive a well-rounded and effective workout experience.

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In this video, Coach Joe reveals the Top 7 Exercises for Every Client that you should get comfortable with coaching as a new personal trainer. Whether your client is a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, programming and exercise selection should be simple and these exercises are proven foundational moves that can confidently be used in nearly any program.

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