For NASM-Certified personal trainers, balance training is a crucial component of a well-rounded fitness program. Yet, the challenge lies in keeping it engaging to prevent clients from boredom. This blog post unveils two pro tips for integrating balance exercises in a way that’s both effective and enjoyable.

Integrating Balance Training

The key to successful balance training lies in its integration with other exercises. Start with foundational movements like lunges to subtly incorporate balance work. Utilizing basic positions not only lays the groundwork for more complex balance exercises but also keeps clients focused on strength gains, thereby masking the balance training aspect under the guise of a regular workout.

Pro Tip #1: Incorporate Barefoot Exercises

Enhancing proprioception and strengthening the muscles of the foot and ankle can be as simple as removing shoes during certain exercises. For instance, performing bent knee calf raises in a lunge position barefoot can significantly target the soleus muscle, crucial for balance and postural control. This approach not only fortifies the foundation for balance but also introduces clients to new challenges in a familiar format.

Pro Tip #2: Utilize Diverse Tools and Techniques

Diversifying the tools used in balance training can significantly enhance client engagement. From dowels for single-leg reaches to suspension trainers for added stability, varying the equipment keeps the routine fresh. Moreover, incorporating small, hand-held items like tennis balls during balance exercises can increase focus and add a layer of complexity, making the training session more dynamic and fun.

Engaging Clients with Vision-Based Techniques

Balance is closely tied to visual cues. Progressing from focusing on stationary objects to using mirrors and then to direct eye contact during exercises can gradually increase the challenge. This progression not only tests balance under varying conditions but also adds an element of interaction and fun to the training session.


Transforming balance training from a mundane task into an engaging part of your client’s fitness regime is all about creativity and integration. By embedding balance work into broader strength and conditioning exercises, leveraging diverse tools, and employing vision-based techniques, you can make balance training a highlight of your clients’ workouts. Remember, the goal is to enhance stability and proprioception without turning the session into a circus act, focusing on progression and client engagement.

In this video, Axiom Instructor Joe Drake, shares his top 2 tips to integrating balance training into your clients’ programs without boring them to death or turning them into a circus act.

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